Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Let’s Talk Brutus

 As you have read, Brutus ran off during loading. That little toot took his freedom to a whole new level. I cried the entire day after we moved. I just kept thinking about him and my heart would break more. I was thinking about the coyotes in the area and blah blah blah. I prayed so hard for that pig to come back. On the drive to Texas, I called a friend. Ladonna shares my love for pigs. She drove out to the house right after I called her so she could look for him. He went and bought a bag of food and put some out for him. She also filled up the pool full of water for him. My friend Kristen said he would come back. Now, if you have read this blog or have bought and read my book, you would know that Treat did this 3 separate times and always came home on her own. I thought it was because Spam was there calling to her. I wasn’t sure if Brutus would come back if no one was there. I sure did pray hard that he would. But then what? If no one was there to get him in the pen at the exact moment what would happen?? So, I started praying specifically that he would be in the pen when someone was at the house. I called and texted everyone. Ladonna went by the next morning with no luck finding him. My dad went by Sunday and Monday with no luck. My cousin Angie went Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. My Grandma and Grandpa even went down on Tuesday.  My realtor looked for him on Monday. I kept praying. I knew in my heart he would come back. Tuesday afternoon around 4 pm, Angie called. I happen to be in a meeting and couldn’t answer her, so I texted her to see if everything was okay. She texted me back the words I had been praying to hear (or read in this case). It said, I have your pig. As I said, I was in a meeting. I jumped out of my chair and sort of squealed. Of course I got some looks, but I didn’t care. I prayed and thanked God that Brutus was home and he was fine. I was so excited. I then texted everyone that had been helping me. I just couldn’t believe it. Then Angie tells me that when her and Ricky showed up, Ricky saw Brutus in the pen and ran to shut him in before he could get out. Can you believe that?? It happened exactly as I prayed. I’m so grateful for this. The story doesn’t stop here. 

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