Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The day after

 So, the day after we moved was something. We got to Texas at 2 am on Sunday morning. Ronnie and I were so exhausted. We finally got to bed at 4:30 am. We were back up at 9:00 am. The donkey and goats had been unloaded already. We had to leave the pigs in the trailer with food and water because there was no more energy to get them u loaded. Once Ronnie and I got up, we had to decide where to put the pigs. There was a huge area Ronnie wanted to put them in, but upon looking at things closer, the fencing needed more repairs than previously thought. There was an area right behind the shop they could all go, but they would be sharing an area with the chickens and let’s just say, they had not been cleaned in I don’t know how long. I did not want to put them there, but that’s a whole other story. There was another area that was further away from the house, but it was perfect for them. It’s so much bigger than what we had at the other house. It needed one hog panel put in place because one of the gates had not been used in so long that the bottom was buried and we were too tired to get it out. The other gate was good. So the hog panel went up and the pigs were unloaded. Unloading was so much easier than loading. They just got out. Now, right after that, it was time to feed and water. We found out then that the well set up for the water wasn’t working. So, carrying 5 gallons of water is back to how we are doing it several times a day. There was a lean to for them and another area where we put temporary tarps up for shelter. It was still warm enough that they would be okay until we could get something else up. Of course, Ronnie went to look for straw. Here they don’t have it like they do back home, but after going to 3 stores, he found some that would work. They were so stressed they all just cuddled up in that straw. The donkey and goats were loving there huge area. It’s fenced off at 10 acres I do believe and they go all over it all day. They were all happy. It was noticed though how sad Patsy was that Brutus wasn’t there. It was heartbreaking and we were definitely heartbroken as well. It was also noticed that the previous owner had left us 2 roosters and 13 chickens. Two chickens had been killed by something probably a day or two before we got there.  Not what we wanted to see but it happened. I have no experience with chickens so this was going to be fun. Things are going to work out here in Texas. 

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