Saturday, November 21, 2020

The day before moving

 The moving date was the next day. Ronnie and I were trying to figure out how we were going to get these stubborn and hard headed pigs into the trailer to be able to move all of the animals at once. It might not have been the smartest plan to move them all at once, but my start day to work was fast approaching and Ronnie has already made 4 quick trips that week to our new home and back which is 8 hours one way. I did not want him to have to make another trip and I didn’t have time to with starting work. The big pigs and the smaller pigs had always been separated. I thought since they were able to see each other across the fencing for over a year, things would be okay. Not ideal but okay. I then decided to move all of the big pigs into the pen with the smaller pigs so they would be able to get used to each other. Looking back, not sure that was the best idea, but better than putting them all in a trailer for 8 hours with no introduction. It was brutal. Gus was easier because he walks on a leash. He went into the pen and then a war broke out. Pigs have to decide the pecking order. Gus was on the top in the other pen. Now he literally had to fight 6 other pigs. So, while the war in that pen was going on, we are trying to move the other two big pigs, Treat and Spam which only like me... in moderation most of the time. It took 2 hours for us to get them over there. It was not a pretty sight or fun at all. The rest of the night was spent watching them all. The fighting was absolutely awful. Every one of those pigs had cuts and scrapes and blood on them. Nothing serious though. Thank goodness. It was awful though. Somehow the three big pigs got separated from each other. Spam and Treat were in one of the houses and Gus was in a pile of mud. Of course we fixed that and put a bunch of straw down. Next time I went to check, he had found the girls and was sleeping in the house with them. I was a basket case. It gets better. Wait until the next post. 

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