Monday, November 30, 2020

Pig’s rooting

 If you keep up with this blog, I stated in an earlier post that there is about an acre or so where we would love for the pigs to graze and roam. At this time, the fencing needs to be fixed and we are still trying to settle in. It will happen but it may be spring or so when the days get longer. At this moment they are in a pen, but it is bigger than what they had. There were some pens already set up closer to the house but there was no grass there so we put them somewhere that had some grass. Looking back on it, that probably was a little silly since it literally took them 3 days to root up every bit of grass there was in that pen. They are rooting up all kinds of stuff that was buried in there. They sure are funny little things. It definitely keeps them busy and occupied. There is no mud out there which I am grateful for. It is soft dirt. I go out every morning and night and every time I do they have rooted out another pig wallow. They crack me up for sure. I never knew having a pig...or nine would be so entertaining. 

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