Monday, November 30, 2020


 Do you ever look at someone and think, they have really had it rough? When you see this, do you ever ask them if there is something they need?? Send them a smile or something?? I see scars on people, maybe not physical ones but you can tell if someone has had some emotional trauma, especially if you have been there yourself. Every one of these animals, maybe not all of the chickens, but the rest of them have scars. Emotional and now physical. I know they all haven’t had the best life, some have had good lives, but others haven’t. I went out this weekend and BB (Bacon Bit, I now call BB) had this big white spot on her. I went over to investigate and saw it was a big scar from her and one of the other pigs fighting. I started looking at all of them. Most of them have at least one scar from the introductions before and during moving. It really breaks my heart to have put them through all of that. Then I think, it would have been much worse if I had made a commitment to keep them and then didn’t. I just hate that they now have physical scars on them but I know it could have been much worse if I had not brought them with me. If you see someone hurting, let them know you care. This world is full of people who have no one and just knowing you care really does help. 

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