Monday, October 12, 2020


 If it’s not one thing here, it’s another. Let the dogs out last night before going to bed. Before they were let back in, Ronnie noticed Bubba the cat was in the room. Daisy and Bubba had been getting along lately, so they were let back in. Well, Daisy had Bubba backed into a corner and Bubba was in a defensive stance. Daisy just wanted to play with him, but Bubba wasn’t having it. Pepper stepped in between Daisy and Bubba and went after Daisy, attacking her. Of course, I reacted and broke it up. No one was harmed, not even me, thankfully. Pepper was bleeding some from getting to Daisy, but she is fine. I had to scold Pepper and she walked away with her head down. I knew she was protecting Bubba, but that behavior can not be tolerated. She is still sulking today. 

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