Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 I learned something unexpected today. Oreo is a very vocal cat. He is my daughter’s cat and she has moved recently. For a while, he was searching for her and it was like he was calling her. He has adjusted to her move since he is still here and he is still with his friends. I did notice tonight, every time he uses the litter box, he announces it. I noticed in the other day and then again today. This cat is so funny. He does all kinds of unexpected things. He has been terrified of going into the kitchen area because the dogs are there, but he would get up on the gate and walk it like he was a gymnast. He finally got in the kitchen and he got on to counter, which they cannot do. Before I could get him off of there, he was standing there looking down at the dogs like he was a king. His new favorite spot to hide is in my bathroom sink.  It makes me laugh. Oreo makes things interesting and that was an unexpected thing when we brought him home. Rescues are the best. 

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