Monday, October 12, 2020

Family Time

 We had family come out yesterday. I had not seen them in years. Many of you know Mya and I had written some children’s books and we self published them. This side of the family had bought the books for the kids and we corresponded over Facebook. When I found this out, I really wanted the kids to meet the animals, so they were able to come down yesterday. It is such a blessing to me that those books and these animals have opened up so many things. I love all of my family, but do not see most of them much at all. You know how it is, life is so busy for all of us. It was so wonderful to see them. One of the girls knew the characters in the nooks and wanted to know who was who. We had such a fun day. The animals got all kinds of attention and so many treats. I had no idea what I was doing when we got these animals but they have been a blessing in so many ways. 

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