Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Worming Goats

 Let’s talk about worming goats. I’m not sure if anyone has goats like mine but mine are difficult with worming. You would think I’m trying to harm them but I promise you, I’m not. I have a farm calendar and I keep it up to date with shots, worming, etc for all of the animals. That way I know when to do it again. I do have one little goat that has had far more trouble with worms than any of the other goats. I am not sure why that is, but regardless, I stay on top of it. Yesterday I noticed this little goat having some issues. Last time he had diarrhea like that, he had coccidiosis. So, I decided to get them all taken care of since it was within a couple of days of it being due anyway. It’s like a rodeo around here trying to give them meds. I go in and grab Hercules and Ronnie gets the meds down him. Well, after that, the other 3 are running off. They don’t like it and want no part in it. I grabbed Romeo who is having the issues, Ronnie gets the meds down him. Now, the last 2 are not having it. I chase Carlos for a few minutes. That doesn’t work. I let Hercules, Romeo and Cracker Jack our of the pen so I don’t have to fight them protecting the other 2. I finally grab Carlos but he won’t take the meds and I end up wearing the meds, but so does he. Then we try again. Ronnie gets Carlos and I get the meds down him. Then we have Lucky. Lucky has never been friendly to humans. He isn’t aggressive, just very shy. He won’t come up to anyone. We have to put the meds on some feed for him while the other goats are outside of the pen. It’s never a dull moment around here for sure. They all got their meds and that’s all I wanted to do. 

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