Saturday, September 26, 2020

Dog Treat Fiasco

 I usually give the dogs treats every night before I went to bed. It’s something I have done with Maggie and Pepper for over 10 years. It was a routine. I don’t do this anymore and here is why. One night I gave them treats and not sure exactly what happened, but all of a sudden I hear someone squealing in pain. I jumped out of bed to see what had happened. I have done this before and jumped in the middle of a dog fight, big mistake. I still have a scar from a tooth. Anyway. I go and look and they all look like they knew they were in trouble but I don’t know which one of them did what. I have suspicions but no proof. What I do know is Maggie was injured in this altercation so much so was limping. She was fine the next morning. I have learned my lesson and they don’t get treats anymore. 

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