Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Oh Daisy

 This dog is a great farm dog. She is also a great protector around this place. Not much gets past Daisy. She has guided Treat home more than once. The draw back here is that if there is a wild but small animal and that animal is not supposed to be here, she will kill it. I have had to dispose of lots of dead animals. I do not believe she kills them all, I think (and hope) some of them are already dead before she brings them home. This morning I am a little bit in disbelief and a little heartbroken and even a little nervous. I couldn’t get her to come into the house. She finally runs up to me and has something hanging out of her mouth. I instantly recognize what she has and I don’t really have the words to describe what I felt when I saw this animal. It was a baby pig. I really do not think Daisy killed it. It still had the umbilical cord attached, so I think the mother left it. I now am not really sure what to do. It means we probably have wild hogs out here and Daisy could get hurt if she finds one. It also means that she may break my heart again if she brings me another one. It has not been a good morning. 

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