Friday, September 4, 2020

Another full moon

 The full moon really brings out crazy stuff around here. I let the dogs out and 3 of 4 run off. As this is happening, I look up and see the full moon. I also hear a ton of coyotes howling at the same time I see the moon. I look out and notice all of the pigs are in their houses asleep. I have to make Pepper get off the porch to go to the bathroom. I then look over and see Cracker Jack by the fence with his ears straight up listening to the coyotes. All of the goats are standing around Cracker Jack for protection. I then hear the coyotes going quite. Then I see Daisy and Bella running toward me. Maggie is lagging behind and she almost looks like a coyote walking toward me. I knew it was her and not a coyote but it was still creepy looking. Oh the joys of full moon nights. 

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