Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Spam is one of the first pigs that came here. Yes, my husband names her. Insert eye roll. She has not been the friendliest of pigs here. She has been through a lot. When I got her and her sister, Treat, there had been another sister with them, but she passed away. So, that was already their second home. They came here and Treat had pneumonia and sarcoptic mange so bad her skin was turning black. Treat had to go to several vet appointments and then had to go through shots and lots of spray to get rid of the mange. Spam ended up with mange also. Spam had to watch all of this and had to endure some of it also. She never really trusted me. She would lunge at me to protect Treat. Then Treat went missing 3 different times. Spam was so depressed each time it happened. It broke my heart. When they finally got a new pen with their very own shelter, she started trying to warm up, that was over a year ago. She has just now started to like me. I have been patient with her because I knew it was going to take more time for her. I would pet her and try to spend time with her like I do all of the animals, but she would normally snap at me and has actually got me with her teeth one time. She has finally gotten to the point that she will come up to me and if I don’t give her attention, she gets upset. She will let the other pigs know to get out of her way. I have finally become trustworthy to her. She finally knows I am not here to hurt her and she is only here to be loved. Finally. 

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