Sunday, September 20, 2020

Hiding place

 Persia is a moody cat. She is amazing and then not so amazing. She was terrible to Oreo when he first got here, but they seemed to be working things out. During the time since Oreo got here, Persia had found a new hiding spot so he would leave her alone. There have been days I had been looking for her for so long and could not find her. She is so good at hiding. This morning, I decided to just relax and read a book. All of a sudden I start hearing what sounded like something sliding across the carpet. Bubba and Oreo were asleep on the bed. Oreo jumps up to investigate the noises. Well, I found Persia’s hiding place. Oreo finds under the side table by the bed and she starts hiding and throwing a fit. At least I know where she is hiding now.  Not sure how she does it, but gets under there somehow. 

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