Sunday, November 7, 2021

Another Peanut Butter Post

 This cat drives me so crazy some days. I knew the first time I saw his picture that I would love him so much. And I do. He has been flighty lately. He comes and goes. The last time he left, I didn’t see him for a week and a half. I just knew he was gone for good. That night, he was back home. He really hasn’t left since then. We had a talk and I think he listened. Obviously I’m kidding but in all seriousness, he has been staying home more. I have been sitting in the shop with him and petting on him more now that he is home more. He is the sweetest little thing. He isn’t as comfortable following Ronnie and I around as the other two but I sure do love to see him prancing around in the shop when the doors open. I’m grateful I adopted him and Jelly. I’m even more grateful he is staying close to home. 

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