Monday, November 8, 2021


 If you know me well, you know I take thousands of pictures. I take even more now that I am using the photos in books and my blog. As I was going through pictures the other day, I noticed a photo. I couldn’t remember when it was or what happened. It was a photo of Hercules out of the fence in our new home. I couldn’t remember what happened, so I asked Ronnie if he remembered. He laughed. Of course he remembered. After he told me what happened, I remembered it, too. Hercules had watched us intently on opening and closing the gate. We left the chain where he could reach it and he was able to open the gate on his own and get out. He just walked right out, while we were standing there. Now, he made Ronnie chase him a bit but then went right back into his pasture, with treats of course.  If I am remembering correctly, that only happened one time. They have a lot of land they roam so I understand not needing to escape now. Never a dull moment here. I can’t believe I had forgotten this. I blame Covid. 

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