Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 So, I know I’m a little passionate about my animals. Peanut Butter and Jelly were adopted after Rona no longer came around. Peanut Butter is spreading his wings, or whatever cats do now. He is gone more than he is home. Let me tell you, we may have his schedule down. I noticed not long ago all the cat food was gone from the bowls when I knew the other 2 cats had not eaten all of it. We have been catching peanut Butter home now that it’s getting dark earlier. There is nothing but pure happiness on his face when I open the shop and yell his name in a dramatic long drawn out way. If he is there, he runs out of his hiding spot and right over to me. I hope now that isn’t getting colder he will stay home more. He is a one of a kind cat. The other 2 are amazing as well. They followed Ronnie and I all over the farm tonight while we were getting hay to all of the animals. I’m not a fan of the cold, so I make sure each animal has a comfortable and dry spot before I go in at night. It might not be the warmest spot, but it will keep them all out of the wind and the weather elements. Yesterday to today there was a 20 degree drop. The horses have runny eyes and noses from the change, but they have the barn to stay dry in. I keep a very close eye on these animals during this time of year. I’m getting off topic. I am going to try to take a video of Peanut Butter next time I catch him in the shop just to show you how happy he is. 

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