Monday, November 29, 2021

Sick Jeb

 Jeb, the horse was the first to get sick. I went out one evening and noticed his eyes and nose were running. He had that look that said he didn’t feel good. Luckily we had some meds and Ronnie was able to give him some rounds of antibiotics to make him feel better. He wasn’t really active and just looked like he felt bad. Ronnie told me a story about how bad Jeb must have felt. He said one afternoon he was looking out the window and saw Jeb laying on his side and Chief was standing overtop of him like he was protecting him. Ronnie said he got nervous and went out there. Jeb was just sunning but he didn’t look good. He had already had a shot of antibiotics, but he made sure to give him the recommended doses to make sure he started feeling better. After about a week, Jeb did start to act like he felt better, thank goodness. Bless his little heart. I felt bad for him, but he is back to normal now. I am glad we have Chief. I’m really glad Jeb and Chief get along so well. 

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