Sunday, December 25, 2022

Mattie’s Mountain Success

As the year comes to an end, Mattie’s Mountain has been started. We are still working to get things up and running, but the weather is cold now, so we are going to start having more events and stuff once the weather warms up some. So far, we had a ribbon cutting and we have done some booths to get our name out there. People do know who we are after a newspaper article put us on the front page. We have had some success. We have taken in a couple sheep, a couple goats, and some horses. Our mascot, Mattie was born this year.  We have helped with a kid needing a home for a short time, we have helped a girl with getting out of a rough situation, we have helped with a girl needing to get a license for her job, and we have helped a woman get a book published this year which has been a dream of hers for over forty years. I would say things have been a success. Things may be starting slow, but I know this is going to get big. Please continue to pray for Mattie’s Mountain and those that need help. I’m excited to see what the new year brings. 

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