Friday, November 18, 2022


Y’all, we finally got these donkeys castrated. We have been trying all year to get them done and we have had some challenges with getting them fixed, but we finally did get them fixed. I am so happy it finally got done. Pedro went first. Getting him in the halter and sedated was rough. His surgery went well and quick. He would not stay down once he started waking up and he was walking around drunk for a while. The other donkeys watched his surgery which made them more nervous and they brayed the whole time. Ned went next. Same thing. He was falling and flipping over once he started waking up. I hated watching them. Pete broke my heart but he did fine. He sat down and refused to stand back up, so he had to be sedated and pulled onto the spot for surgery. He did fine though and woke up and was able to get up. I’m so grateful they all did well and it is done. 

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