Saturday, November 19, 2022

Lost Donkey

Kenzie and a friend of mine were here hanging out. We were taking and having a good time. I look out and I see Ned standing there by himself. I kept watching him and he stayed there not moving. He stood there so long, I started to worry. Kenzie, Skylar, and I all decided we would go check on him. Sebastian went with us also. We had to walk into the pasture a good way. The further we got, I saw the other donkeys, but I could not find Pete. I was worried now. Pete had a halter on and I was afraid he may have gotten stuck on something. My first thought was Ned was with Pete and keeping watch. The closer we got to Ned, he left where he was and started toward us. Pete was still nowhere to be found. Finally Skylar looks out and see Pete at the very back of the property. We walk back there and he starts coming toward us. He was fine. We all got a walk and the donkeys seemed to be happy we were in their pasture checking up on them. 

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