Sunday, November 27, 2022

What Now?

Something is always going on around here. If someone would put a camera out here, we would have a number one show. It’s always crazy. I went out to see the animals. I see Pete coming toward me. He still had the halter on, however, the halter is now stuck in his mouth. Maybe not stuck, but he could not get it out. I did not know if he could eat with it like that. I go over and loosen the halter and the he runs off. It turns into this big thing. Ronnie and I ended up having to get them all into the barn and lock the gate. Ronnie tries to rope Pete, well, Pete is too smart for that. He ran right through the rope. This went on for what felt like a long time. It had started misting and it was cold. I finally have to crawl over the gate and come around. I was feeding treats. Pete was too smart. He wouldn’t come near me. I start to crawl back over the gate but Pete and Ned were right there. Ronnie was in a position to where he had them to where they couldn’t get past him. I started petting Pete to calm him down. I finally got him calm enough to tuen toward me and I was able to get the halter off. He looked at me like is that all you wanted. It was funny. We got the hater off though. That’s what was important. 

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