Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Picked Up Yeller

I went to pick up Yeller. I was so happy to go get him. When I got there, he looked so depressed. When she saw me, he started crying out. The crate smelled so bad. I was a little distraught. I got him in the car and he cried for part of the drive and then he slept the rest of the time. He just looked so sad. When we got home, I could not even take the crate inside it smelled so bad. I got him out of it and then pulled out the blankets I had put in there for him to be more comfortable. I have to say, I was pretty upset, the blanket was saturated with urine and Yeller smelled so badly. I’m not happy about that but nothing I can do about it. It was too cold outside for me to try to hose him off. I know the vet office is super busy so I’m not going to make a fuss. That has not happened before, so I will let it go. I am glad he is home. 

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