Saturday, November 19, 2022


This is going to sound awful and I am going to apologize in advance if someone gets upset. We had so many roosters here. Our hens have been terrified. They have been hiding out. That’s not the worst thing, most of them do not have feathers on their backs from the roosters. We had to make a decision. There has to be a healthy balance of roosters to hens and I have read it’s 10 hens to 1 rooster. We had way more roosters than we should have. I had posted about them trying to find them homes. I had a couple lined out but they didn’t work out. We had to do something. They were literally killing the hens slowly. We had to cull some roosters. I never wanted that and I hope it never happens again. I’m heartbroken but I had to protect the ones I could. 

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