Thursday, June 30, 2022

Mattie’s Voice

 Mattie has the cutest little voice. I have been trying to get a video since he started braying. I never have my phone out when he does it. Today all 7 donkeys were braying one at a time, so I waited and guess what, I finally got it. Sometimes in life, we have to have patience. It’s not easy, but it will work out if you have that patience. Take things day by day and moment by moment if you need to. Now if I could just get a video of the chickens sounding like dinosaurs. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Be Careful.

Athena was drinking water from the same bowl as Rowdy. They seemed to be getting along fine. Rowdy then walks around to where Athena was. I guess she could feel the danger. He did look dangerous. She ran off right before he went to peck her. That cat is going to have to be careful. Rowdy had just been in a fight with Junior so there is no telling what could have happened to Athena. 


We have a rooster that is one of the chicks. That rooster is the most beautiful thing. Ronnie had said if we had any more roosters, we would have to get rid of them. He saw this rooster and said, he is not going anywhere. He stays here. He has named him Rojo. Rojo is beautiful. He even has some golden feather spots on him. He might be meaner than all of the other roosters put together. We will see. When Rojo gets up, all the chicks get up and move. He rules them already!! 

Figured It Out

We figured it out, what was happening with Junior. Actually, it was all the roosters. Apparently, the roosters, all of the grown roosters; Junior, Fred, and Rowdy had the same trouble. Junior had some kind of attitude going on and he was fighting Rowdy and Fred. They all looked bad. Fred didn’t look as bad as the other two. Junior was in a mood. The fights were bad. I hated every minute of it. I thought I was going to wake up the next morning and one of them would not be with us anymore, but they all still were. There was no more fighting the next day, but they all still looked bad even the next day. They may have still been worn out from all the fighting. 


I got home and had to look at Junior a few times. He looked awful. I started to panic. I started looking up what could be wrong with him. I thought he was dying. I was seriously scared. I could not even imagine what could have happened or what was wrong with him. I did learn later what the problem was, but I didn’t know at the time. 

Oh Peanut Butter

I had not seen Peanut Butter in a day or two. I was not upset yet. One night was storming and I at least knew he was around. One morning I got up and went outside and there was Peanut Butter, he had come back from across the street and sat down right next to Athena. That was funny. Peanut Butter does not like Athena. He finally got up and ran to the shop to eat. I’m grateful he is still here. 

Another Injury

 Porky is the latest injury to the farm. He got his foot caught in the fence while chasing the other goats. I honestly think they were trying to run away from me. Porky did get a cut on his foot and started limping. I then got out the spray and had to start chasing him around to make sure he got some spray on that cut. He is a feisty little thing. He was fine the next morning, no limping. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Got Your Tail

I have said the kittens are fearless. Well, Athena got a hold of Daisy’s tail and she would not let go. Daisy was practically in Ronnie’s lap so he would not let Daisy hurt her, not that she wanted to. It was hilarious to watch a small kitten playing with the tail of a dog so much bigger than her. She definitely got Daisy’s tail. I guess that’s better than the cat getting her tongue. 

The Love of a Dog

Ronnie had not had the best day. He decided to sit down with his two black labs, Bella and Daisy on the ground outside. Of course they knew he was having a rough day and they were showing him how much they loved him. Those two are definitely his dogs. The love of a dog is something special. Those two love Ronnie. The made Ronnie smile and laugh. 

Scared of Storms

Persia is terrified of storms. She always has been. She tries her best to get into the smallest places and hide until it’s all over. She happened to be in the bedroom and I watched her shrink herself enough to get under the dresser. She stayed that way until I went to pick her up and cuddle her so she would calm down. I mean, she hates the thunder that comes with a storm. I feel bad for her every time. 

Storm Coming

We had a chance for storms and then the chance went away. I did not think much of it. I let the dogs out for the last time before we went to bed. I am not a fan of storms, but I do like to take pictures of them. I like to take lightening pictures. That’s hard to do. I got several good shots that night. The photos turned out beautiful. It did finally rain about 3 inches that night. We sure did need it. 

Jelly Being Brave

If you have been reading for a long time, you might remember when I tried to bring Jelly in the backyard while holding him and he saw the dogs and I ended up in the doctor’s office. That’s a true story. Well, I was outside in the backyard with the dogs. I guess Jelly was really wanting my attention and he saw the kittens in the backyard and the dogs were not bothering them, so he decided to go into the backyard. He dropped at my feet meowing. Daisy did not know this cat so she went over to smell him. That’s all it took, Jelly got out of there as fast as he could. He must have been shaken up because he did not come near me the rest of the night. I did see him the next morning and he was fine. Jelly tried to be brave. 


I was out watering the pigs when all of a sudden something jumped out of the water. That scared me so badly. I had no idea what it was. Well, it was a frog. There were actually two of them. It looks like they are living in the mud holes in the pig pen. The pigs don’t seem to bother them and the frogs are happy in the water. I am sure not going to bother them. 

Monday, June 27, 2022

Persia Escapes

Persia has been watching out the window at the kittens and the other cats. I guess she decided it would be a good idea to try to escape. She acted like she wanted to meet them. I know better though, she has a healed time with meeting any new animal. She does not like it. She did get out the door, but I was able to grab her before she jumped off the porch. If she got off the porch, I’m not sure how I would get her back. 

Excited Jelly

Jelly has decided to get excited about Peanut Butter being home. When Peanut Butter comes to the house, Jelly runs right to him. They have lived together for a long time, so being separated isn’t good for them. Jelly stays with Peanut Butter when they are here together. Peanut Butter must leave right after eating or in the early morning hours since he is gone in the mornings. Jelly is usually still here until I leave for work. 

Looking Back at Me

Peanut Butter was desperate for my attention. He would not let me leave. He would eat for a minute and then he would look back at me to make sure I was still there. I think he has missed me and is grateful to be home. He is certainly clingy. He does figure eights around my ankles and makes sure I lean den and pet him. He is such a loving cat. 

Calling For Peanut Butter

I have been calling for Peanut Butter in the evenings since he has been coming home. I think Onyx might be confused about her name. Every time I start hollering for Peanut Butter, Onyx comes running. Hopefully the confusion will go away soon. It’s funny to watch though. 

Running Toward Me

The kittens have started running toward me when I come outside instead of away from me. We have finally bonded enough for them to actually run to me. It is so cute. Onyx likes me me more than Athena, but I don’t think Athena likes anything. She tolerates the but that’s it. It does make me happy that they have accepted me. 


The bigger goats that live with the donkeys had been hanging out in the barn and in the shade. When it turned a little cooler, they all left the barn in a line to get to where the donkeys are. They amaze me every day. They knew where they were going and they were going to catch up to the donkeys. I am glad the donkeys have decided to accept the goats. I wasn’t sure that was going to happen, but it finally did. 

Dog Food

The dogs, Bella and Daisy have not been eating much since they have not been feeling well. I watched a chicken eating what was left over of the dog food. I mean, really?? She was happy as can be with eating that dog food. I had wondered why the chicken was running toward me while I was carrying the dog food. Now I know why. 


I had seen a baby chick that I was hoping was a hen and hoping would survive. This chick has a black beak and black legs. To me, this chick is absolutely beautiful and unlike any I have seen. Turns out, it is a hen and it did survive. I have seen it a few times and finally was able to get some pictures of her. I’m not sure what to name her yet but I have a few ideas. 

Cow Play

Alex can play. I had never seen him play. Well, that’s not true, he likes to run after us, I guess that counts. As I was out watering, the water slowed down from the hose greatly. I knew there was not a kink in it since I had just gotten all of those out. I started looking around. I finally see Alex standing on the hose right where there is a hole. The hole was spraying out water and he was loving playing in the water. He did this for several minutes before he walked away. I really had to laugh at him. He was cooled off and walked away. 


I had a hen that was making all kinds of weird noises, almost like she was overheated. I had to undo some wiring but was able to get her out f the corner she was in. I held her and stayed with her for a bit to make sure she was okay. She sat by the fan for a few minutes and then went right back to where she was in the first place. Sometimes I have to realize, not everything needs to be rescued or more importantly wants to be rescued. She was fine the next day. 


Cracker Jack is healing. His cut still looks a little rough but it is healing. He is in a pen on his own to help continue to heal and not be bothered. He seems sad in there, but it is necessary right now. Mattie won’t leave him alone when he is not in the pen and he needs to get well. It was a pretty deep cut. We are spraying him with fly spray everyday and since he is in the pen, he has to endure it. He is also getting the cut cleaned every day. He has been given a few days of antibiotics to help with the healing also. He will be fine. 

Grateful For the Trees

Out here in West Texas, trees are limited out here. I am so grateful for the trees we have on this property. The horse have a couple they get under in the heat of the day. The donkeys and goats usually get under a tree at the back of the property. The sheep even have a tree they hang out under most of the day to stay cooler. They are few and far in between around here, but the few we do have are utilized greatly but these animals. 

Ear Rubs

It is a fact that donkeys love their ears to be rubbed. They will just lean in and let you continue. They will close their eyes and enjoy the ear rubs. All of them will do this. Believe it or not, donkey do get a reputation of being stubborn, they are stubborn, but they are also extremely affectionate and love the attention. I sure do love having so many donkeys running around out here. They are fun to watch and to learn from. 

Water Dogs

Labs are supposed to love water. Well, ours sure do. They hate to be sprayed with a hose, but they love to get into a pool or a water trough to cool off. Bella doesn’t love the water as much as Daisy, but she has been getting in and out of the water more and more because of the heat. They are funny dogs. 

Playing with Pigs

I went out to play with the pigs for awhile. They do I’ve all the attention. While I was out watering them and making sure their mud holes were full, I went in and loved on them. They are so cute. I am ready for the new pen, but we have decided to move them when the weather is cooler as to not stress them out any more since it has been so hot out. They will be fine until then. I sure to love playing with them and giving them all the attention they can soak up. Pigs are affectionate animals. They need that love and attention. 

New Sunshade

I got a new sunshade to put up in the goat pen. Those poor guys have little shade where they are. They don’t seem to mind. They do have a shelter they get into when they are in the sun too much. They know what to do. They were not impressed by the sunshade, but hopefully they will learn to appreciate it. They are scared of everything anyway. 


I saw my first hummingbird since living out here in West Texas. I could not believe my eyes. It flew right past me. It was obvious it was looking for some food. I didn’t have anything for it. I am going to remedy that though and get me a hummingbird feeder for the hummingbirds. I have never been one to have a bird feeder of any kind, but I guess I’m getting old. The birds usually eat some of the chicken feed, so I might as well get a hummingbird feeder for them, too. It’s hot out and they need something to eat and drink. 


Well, Jelly is now jealous that Peanut Butter is home. It’s funny really. I was out there loving on Peanut Butter since I was so excited to see him. Jelly had to know what the fuss was all about. Once he figured it out, he decided to go sulk all by himself. Of course I had to go over and love on him so he knew I still loved him, too. He was definitely jealous. 

Bad Habits

Mattie has learned some bad habits from Jeb. When Jeb eats, he throws his head all over the place and gets food everywhere and then eats off the ground what he has thrown out. I do not understand it. Mattie is now doing the same thing. The exact same thing. Jeb is the only other animal that does this, so I know Mattie got it from him. These guys are just silly animals. 

Things Usually Happen For A Reason

You know, I was supposed to have gone to see my family, but was unable to. I do think everything happens for a reason. If I had been in Arkansas when I was supposed to, Cracker Jack would have been injured and we were there, Peanut Butter would have come home to find us not there, and the dogs have been extremely sick and we would not have been there. I believe we were meant to stay home since these animals did need us. I know whoever would look after them would have done a great job regardless of all that was going on, but I would have been a nervous wreck with all that going on. 

One Year Ago

I do find it fitting that Peanut Butter and Jelly both are home one year after binging them home. It makes me happy that they are home on their one year gotcha day. It’s been a crazy year with these cats. We have had our ups and downs for sure, but they are still alive and so loved. A year ago, our cat, Rona had run off and Earl needed some friends. My mom and dad were in town and my mom and I went to rescue a couple of cats from the shelter after I had been talking to someone there, who has become a friend after that. Those cats were scared to death but they finally trusted us enough to let us care for them. I cannot believe it’s been a year.