Saturday, June 25, 2022

What Now??

I got home from work one evening and noticed the horses where walking the fence line waiting for food. That’s what they do. I go out and start feeding. I looked over and saw Jeb on the ground. I went over there and tried to get him up. That was not happening. I called Ronnie and he didn’t answer. I continued to try to figure out what was going on. Chief had gone over to check on his friend but at this point was just looking at him. I called Ronnie again and still no answer. I knew he was busy. A few minutes later, Ronnie was home and jumping out of the truck and running over. He started trying to cool him off with water thinking maybe he was too hot. He didn’t even get up to eat. After what seemed like a long time, Jeb did get up. Ronnie finally came to the conclusion he had eaten so of that poison weed that grows out here. He did that a lot last year, but we haven’t seen much of it this year since we have not had much rain. We did find some in the barn, Jeb must have gotten some. It took at least an hour for Jeb to get back to normal. When he did, he was certainly hungry. He was fed. He is such a mess. Of course this happened on the night of a full moon. 

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