Sunday, June 19, 2022

Gonna Be A Big Rooster

Well, it has happened again. I am aware there is a high number of roosters hatched when it happens on its own. I do not have any idea why but that’s what I have read. One of the first clutches of eggs that hatched the year, we had 5 chicks live and one for sure is a rooster. This guy is going to be huge. He is already big. He is already big enough to fly up to the fence. The one thing I have noticed about him is he is not aggressive, yet. I don’t think the other ones we hatched here were aggressive until later. I’m afraid this one is going to be bigger than the ones we have. It will be interesting to see. I don’t know if I want to name him. He may not be able to stay since we already have a few roosters. 

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