Sunday, June 19, 2022

Did Not Go As Planned

On this day I am fixing to talk about, I do not want to forget to say, it was 108 degrees outside. That in itself was not pleasant. This day was the day we were going to put Red back into the pasture. Red has been relatively easy to handle compared to the others. His halter was off due to getting it hung on something and he was able to get out of it. Red refused to let either of us put the halter back on him. Normally he did not need it, he would follow us with treats. We did not think about Pedro acting a fool on the other side of the fence. Red did good for a bit and he was almost to gate and then Pedro spooked him. Red took a run for it and Pedro was desperately trying to go through the fence. Pedro at one point even got his foot stuck in the fence. Red ran around with us chasing him and trying to get him across to the pasture. We tried feed, treats, forcing him, but nothing worked. Then our plan was to get him back in the pen. Every time he would get in the pen, one of the other animals was in there and Red would run out again. I will say, after all of that and in the heat, Ronnie and I were exhausted and decided to let Red stay in the pen longer. I should be used to this by now. Things don’t normally go as planned around here. 

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