Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Jelly Being Brave

If you have been reading for a long time, you might remember when I tried to bring Jelly in the backyard while holding him and he saw the dogs and I ended up in the doctor’s office. That’s a true story. Well, I was outside in the backyard with the dogs. I guess Jelly was really wanting my attention and he saw the kittens in the backyard and the dogs were not bothering them, so he decided to go into the backyard. He dropped at my feet meowing. Daisy did not know this cat so she went over to smell him. That’s all it took, Jelly got out of there as fast as he could. He must have been shaken up because he did not come near me the rest of the night. I did see him the next morning and he was fine. Jelly tried to be brave. 

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