Sunday, June 26, 2022

So Excited!!

I have been so stressed about these missing cats. When we got the kittens, Peanut Butter, Jelly and Earl were so mad about them that they left. Earl came back after a couple of weeks and was starting to tolerate the kittens, but I have not seen him in a few weeks. Jelly has started coming back around and has been home day and night most of the time. He does go other places in the heat of the day but he is coming back around every day now. I had all but given up hope on Peanut Butter. He was gone for two months. I figured he would never come back. It had been so heartbreaking. I would look for him when outside. I was even hollering names today. I just happen to be outside later than normal loving on Jelly and the kittens, who are friends now. I look up and see another black cat. I yelled Peanut Butter’s name and the cat stopped. Then he started running and I could hear his bell. I know it was him. I met him and he rolled over for petting. He still does not like the kittens. I got him in the shop and Jelly ran with him in there. Peanut Butter is skinny and was hungry. I left them to eat. Now if Earl would join the party again. Barn cats are hard because they do what they want and go where they want to. I am so excited to know Peanut Butter is fine and he came home. I hope he stays. Prayers work!! 

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