Sunday, March 28, 2021

Having a Pig

 Having a pig, or 9 of them, is not an easy task some days. They all have unique personalities and they are moody. Today I was out trimming hooves. They really don’t like it all that much. I was able to trim at least one foot on most of them. I will continue to go back and do another foot for the next several days. I don’t like to stress them out more than necessary when trying to trim because they remember and the next time is just harder. I could hire someone to do it, but I know how my pigs are and they truly don’t like new people so I just continue to do their feet as they tolerate it. Darla let me do all 4 feet. Gus is usually my easy one but I only got one foot done. Doing one on Spam and Treat each and I had to dodge some teeth a couple of times. Brutus is fine until Gus comes around. Gus doesn’t like him.  They just hate it. I don’t exactly love to do it but it’s necessary for their care. Next I will be deworming since that needs to be done every 6 months and it’s time. I sure do love these guys but some days they are more temperamental and need extra care. Gus, Treat, and Spam will be getting their own space before long and I cannot wait for that. 

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