Saturday, March 27, 2021

Texas weather

 This weather is crazy!! Since moving here, I have seen more snow and ice then I have in years in Arkansas. In a matter of 24 hours here, I have seen a nice sunny day turn to a dust storm to a thunderstorm with tornado watches, hail and back to sunny. When the thunderstorm started, the rain came down so hard that it was actually coming into the house, looks like we need to fix some weather stripping. I am amazed at the dust storms. In Arkansas, we don’t have any of that, but here it seems like a normal thing. It’s like the sky turns red and the dirt will literally hit you in the face. I’ve really never seen anything like it. However, surprisingly enough, I am still liking it here. I am loving our little place with all of the animals and being able to live here with my husband everyday is better than imagined. I do still get surprised by the weather, maybe one day I will get used to it. It has hailed a couple of times in the last 2 weeks, so we are having a carport built as we speak. Crazy weather. Now let’s see how summers in west Texas compare to summers in Arkansas. 

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