Thursday, March 11, 2021

Separating Donkeys

 When we got Red, Ned, and Pedro, we knew we would have to separate Noma from them. I was watching for when it was time. Well... it became time to separate them. I wasn’t ready. I had a spot I wanted to put them but the fencing isn’t ready and I didn’t have a shelter. It didn’t matter. I have a female going into heat and 4 unaltered males. That will be remedied very soon. I found a vet finally and we will be getting that completed. Thank goodness. I am hoping we moved her in time. Ronnie and I had a plan to get her out of there. It did not go as planned, but what does?? Noma and Pete (her son) have never been apart so I knew it would be hard. Somehow Pete and Red have become close so that’s good. We did get Noma, Carlos, and Cracker Jack in another pen. Hercules is the only goat in the other. When I say pen, those guys probably have 30 screws with the barn. That means the rest of them have about 12 or so. It’s plenty for them. My only stress was shelter. Maybe I’m weird but I was so stressed because they didn’t have shelter. I opened up the barnish place the chickens and Lucky have been staying in and there was plenty of room. We had an extra water trough so it was perfect. It’s defi a change but I’m glad it’s done. We will eventually get that fencing done and add another barn in the back pasture for them. Once that happens, I’m hoping the small goats will have grown some more and put them back there as well. And... since all of these guys are over here now, Lucky is so happy. He is able to be with them. Him and Carlos and Cracker Jack we always friends so he is happy to be back with them. Change is not always a bad thing. This was for the best for all of them. 

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