Sunday, March 7, 2021


 I went out on Tuesday to feed when I got home. Ronnie was gone so it was just me. I went to get Lucky out first before I fed all of the other animals so he could get out in the sun for a bit before I locked him back in so he was protected at night. I could not believe my eyes. Lucky was standing at the gate looking up at me. It had been since before the ice storm that he was able to do that. His leg was completely better and he was able to stand on both front legs without difficulty. I opened the gate and he walked right out. No problem, no limp. I was completely surprised by this. He wasn’t able to do that the day before. He even ran a little bit. I was shocked. I was so excited to see this, though. I had certainly prayed he would get better. We had given him all kinds of meds and supplements. This showed me we were going on the right direction. I was so happy. I called Ronnie and he already knew. He said he had done that when he went out in the morning. Lucky is so much better. We will continue to keep him by himself for a while so he can get stronger. 

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