Saturday, March 13, 2021

Separation anxiety

 oh this is no fun. As you know, I separated Noma and Cracker Jack from the other donkeys. Cracker Jack is fine with the goats. That’s where he has been for 2 years now. He is happy with them. Noma seems happy that she is able to relax and not deal with Pete (her son) and the other males. Pete on the other hand is really having difficulty. I knew it was

going to be hard on him since he has never been away from her. He is having separation anxiety for sure. He brags at her at all hours. Once he starts braying, the all start braying. I’m sure our neighbors hate us. It’s been almost a week since the separation. Pete was laying by the fence trying to get close to Noma the first few days and they still do walk the fence line together some. The braying is still going often but not as often. I think they are getting used to their new spaces and they are starting to accept it. I really hated to do it, but it was necessary, at least until I get all the males fixed which is on my agenda. It’s hard to watch Pete being so stressed but him and Red have become friends. While they are separated, I’m trying to get Pete to be more friendly. He still doesn’t want to be, but he did eat out of my hand this week and I got to let him for just a second also. I know he will come around but he and Noma are tough to get to break out of their shells. I wish I knew why. 

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