Sunday, March 7, 2021

One Mad Cat


Well, I have really done it now. When Oreo came into the picture for us almost a year ago, the deal was we would eventually have a barn and he would live in the barn. At the time we took Oreo off of the streets, we had no plans to move. We ended up starting the process to move a few months later. We went through the terrible time of introducing him to our other inside cats. Terrible isn’t the word, it was a catastrophe. However, they have all decided to be friends now. When we moved, I did not want him outside alone in a new place and so on, so he stayed in the house with Persia and Bubba. Now that we have other outside cats, who are loving it here, I thought I would try to introduce Oreo to Earl and Rona. I really hated the idea since Oreo has been in the house for almost a year, but I truly think he misses being outside. I held Oreo while trying to introduce him to Rona. It did not go well. I know it was only for a few minutes but I’m not going to do that again. There was so much hissing. I decided Oreo would stay an inside cat. When I got him back in the house, he jumped out of my arms and ran. He hid for hours. As I was reading right before bed he came and snuggled beside me, it was almost like he was thanking me for not leaving him out there. Poor guy has been through a lot. It won’t happen again. He is finally settled in with Persia and Bubba so he will stay inside. 

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