Sunday, February 27, 2022


Oh Edith. I put her in the shop to keep her warmer. Did that work? Nope. I came home from work the next day to see her walking on the fence. Rowdy was giving her grief. He ran her off from the food. He jumped on top of her and literally stood on her neck. Ronnie say that and was chasing him with an ax to get him away from her. Luckily no one, not even Rowdy was hurt during this little episode. Ronnie was protecting Edith. So, then I start chasing Edith to do what I don’t know. She ended up running back into the chicken coop so I put more straw in there with fresh food and water and I figure that’s where she will stay. It seems to be where she wants to be anyway so I will leave her alone and let her stay where she wants to. 

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