Saturday, February 12, 2022


Gloria was just standing in the shop staring at me. She just kept standing there. In my head, I was thinking, what in the world?? I have not noticed her doing that before. Then it was like a lightbulb went off. Oh, she wants something to eat besides the cat food she steals everyday. I try not to encourage her to be in the shop, but I did give her some feed. I think she is scared to go out of the shop for long periods of time. She has been in the shop for months now and it started when Rowdy got so big. I am hoping when the weather gets warmer, she won’t stay in the shop anymore. She doesn’t lay eggs anymore so it is not a big deal if she does, but when the chickens were laying a bunch of eggs in the shop, snakes would get in for the eggs. I don’t want that again this summer. 

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