Monday, February 21, 2022

Loving Hercules

Hercules is such a loving goat. It’s crazy to me how loving he can actually be. It’s becoming more often that he tries to show affection. He is so sweet. I went to the barn to collect eggs and Hercules followed me. He was desperately trying to get my attention so I gave him my attention. He really loves having my attention. That silly goat was even licking me like a dog. Gross. He loved the attention. I need to spend more time with him. He is usually running around with the donkeys so I don’t see him as much when I’m in that pasture. I need to make sure I spend the time he needs with him. I sure do love that goat. It’s obvious he loves me, too. 


  1. I've never had goat kisses or piggy kisses either for that matter. I need to add this to my bucket list. Lol

  2. I had no idea he was going to do that!! He normally doesn’t but when I’m sad he comes over to make me smile. Now most of my pigs will give kisses on demand. ❤️❤️
