Saturday, February 26, 2022


I did not realize how bad I was slacking on finding eggs. I may have messed up since I am sure a lot of them are frozen due to it being in the 20s for the high today with sleet and snow. I went out to feed this morning since Ronnie got called out at 3 am. It was 18 degrees and snowing. These are days I would rather stay in bed but these animals need to be fed and the water needs to be cracked since there is ice on the top. I was checking for every animal we own to make sure they were all okay. The only one I could not find was Peanut Butter but I am sure he is okay. I wasn’t out there early enough to see him. At least that is my hope. As I was checking everyone out, I walked in the barn and found 2 dozen eggs. As I was feeding the little goats, I found another dozen. I know I have not been slacking that bad. I know I picked up a dozen yesterday. What in the world is going on around here?? 

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