Friday, February 25, 2022

Mail Surprise

I did get a surprise in the mail this week. I received the paperwork back for the nonprofit. We are incorporated in Texas!! Yay!! I know we have been working hard on this. We still have a lot to do to get people out here. I’m excited to get it going. There are so many ideas. I just have to get this organized and get stuff done. It’s really happening!! For those of you that don’t know what I have been up to lately, I’m working hard at starting a nonprofit here in Texas that works with depressed kids. As I am sure you have seen, we have a lot of animals here on the farm also. The goal is to bring these kids out to the farm and let them be around those animals. We have about 65 animals at the present time. This lifts spirits, shows them compassion, love and responsibility. We have about 65 animals here at the present time. Most of these animals have a story just like these kids do. The animals love to have visitors and treats of course. Another goal we have here suicide awareness. This is a big problem and we need to help our kids. I still have a few things to file on the federal level, but we are incorporated in Texas!! We have been working on this for a little over 2 years and here we are!! This nonprofit is named after Matthew Corley who lost his life too soon. 

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