Thursday, February 24, 2022


Have you ever seen a PortAHut?? They are for animal shelters and they are amazing. I know we needed some for some projects we have going on. I had called a store close to us a while back looking for something and they did not have it. So, when the PortAHut came back up into conversation, I decided not to call that particular store. I called a store 45 minutes away and the manager said she could go to another store farther away to pick on up for me. I told her we would come get it sometime that week. When we were able to go pick it up, for some reason I called to make sure they had it so we didn’t drive all that way for no reason. Luckily I called and they did not have it. Oh I was so mad. Hang in there with me on this story. There is a point. I decided to go ahead and call the store that was close to see if they possibly had one. Guess what, they had 4. I was shocked. We went over and picked a couple up. The moral to this story is that sometimes things work out better than what you thought you wanted. I was so grateful and felt silly for being mad. Luckily again, I kept my temper in check and did not let anyone know I was mad. I did get a PortAHut, actually two!! Yay!! The projects can continue. 

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