Wednesday, February 9, 2022

More Visitors

The animals got to have more visitors today!! They got lots of love and lots of treats. I truly love to see the excitement on people’s faces and the animals just love attention and treats of course. The animals behaved somewhat. Cracker Jack was intrusive wanting more treats. Noma was friendly enough to let the kids get close to her and let them feed her treats. There may have been a little nibble to a finger with feeding her treats but something probably spooked her. She is still so scared but I was shocked at how well she did today. It was amazing. The cows were able to take some treats, but they are always friendly, sometimes to friendly. The horses soaked up as much love an attention as they could. They loved it. The chickens weren’t friendly, but that’s not unusual. The cats were even friendly. The little goats, not so much but people scare them easily. The dogs bared and begged for attention. The other goats were begging for treats. The other donkeys were, too. They fought some over treats. Pretty sure Ned kicked the fire out of Pedro. Darla and Gus got belly rubs until their hearts were content. It’s so fun to have people out here. 

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