Wednesday, February 23, 2022

More Changes

If there is one thing that continues around here all the time, it’s change. The cows love to be out of the pen and we let them out all the time now except for at night. Noma has been laying down in their pen during the day. Ronnie and I had decided to just pen her up in there for a while to help her out. We have been trying for a long time to get her feet done but she is just not cooperating. She does not want to be messed with and will still try to kick me at times if I’m too close to her. That is the same story that has been going on for a very long time. The rest of that story is, she was doing better until we separated her and Pete. That was necessary. She has been laying down more lately and she likes it in the cow pen. She was in there and so was Cracker Jack, so I locked them in for the night. I put the cow’s food bowls out of the pen. How long was this going to last? 

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