Sunday, July 31, 2022

And Again

I did not learn my lesson. I went out to check on the chicks again. A couple more had hatched. One had already passed. The other one was struggling. I picked it up and took it to Josephine. This one tried to live, but it did not make it. It is heartbreaking to me to have to clean up the aftermath. At this point, 6 had hatched and 3 had passed away. Josephine isn’t staying close to the eggs anymore. She sits on them at night and then Copper comes in and sits on them for awhile. Eggs are hatching but there is not a hen to oversee any of them that hatch at this point. Later that evening, there was another one trying to hatch. It just could not get out. I ended up helping this one also. Josephine did take this chick back. This one is slower than the others, but she is still taking care of that one. So she has 4 now and 3 have passed. The next morning, 2 more have hatched, but so far, Josephine has not had interest in them but they are alive at the moment. Oh this is stressful for me. 

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