Sunday, July 24, 2022

Nightly Check

I do a nightly check most nights. However, since we had new animals, I wanted to see how they were settling in. They still seemed to be doing well. They are nervous because they are in a new place, but I think they will be fine. Cinderella is staying in the shelter a lot. She is more nervous than Tinkerbelle. Tinkerbelle comes to the fence to get petted on. She loves the attention. I know this is going to be good. Of course I love them already. I did scare Cinderella when checking on her and she seized up. I was able to hold her and pet her. It did not last long, but that’s okay. Tinkerbelle is already licking my face like we have been friends for a long time. This is going to be fun. The cats have been over to check them out. 

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