Sunday, July 17, 2022

Too Hot

I came home one evening to find Rena in the shop. She had gotten too hot and was on the verge of death. She had gotten so hot she was unable to get up and get out of the shop. She was too hot to even hold her head up. I was not sure what to do. I picked her up and took her out of the shop. It was hot outside also, but not as hot as in the shop. I made a nice mud hole and up her hot body in the water to cool her off. That was not working as quickly as I thought it should. I went to the chicken coop with Rena in my arms and kicked Suzie Q and Edith out of the coop so Rena could be by herself and not be pecked by those mean girls. I made another mud hole in there for her and gave her an egg. She refused to eat the egg so the other girls got it. She was so hot. I left her in the mud hole while I went to get a syringe. When I got back, I started syringe feeding her water to get her cooler. I left her right there so she could continue to let her body temp drop some. I went and did a few things and then went back to her. When I went back she was covered in ants. I mean, really?? I’m allergic to ants but I picked her up and started picking every single one of those ants off her. Yes, I got bit a few times but I was actually okay. I continued to give her water. I poured some water over her in hopes it would help. She was starting to hold her head up but she still couldn’t walk. I put her in one of the laying boxes to get her off the ground. I left her there and continued to go check her and force feed her water. I also put some down in the bottom of the coop to help get rid of the ants. I was going back and forth for hours to help this chicken. I did not want her to die. Others tell me they would not have done that and when I say others, I mean my husband. He supports whatever I do though. Finally after about 5 hours, Rena was able to get down from the laying box on her own. She was able to be let out of the coop and she was able to walk on her own. She was even roosting with the other chickens that night. I knew she was going to be okay. Hopefully she learned her lesson and stays out of the shop. 

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