Thursday, July 21, 2022

I Was Right

I was right to be worried about Pedro and Red. I saw Red in the barn looking like he wanted me to open the gate that he knows go into the other pasture where he was for a long time. I walk over to him and start looking at him and it looks like he has been attacked by something. He had cites all along his neck and under his neck. I called Ronnie and told him Red looked like he had been attacked. He was on his way him. I then hear Pedro braying and running toward Red. I almost did not get out of the way fast enough. Red was following me closely and wanted to go out the gate with me. I then see Pedro and Red fighting and I see Pedro is the one that has attacked Red. As bad as I wanted to bring Red back into the other pasture, I know those two are going to have to work it out. If they don’t, they will never stop fighting. 

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