Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Back Together

Ronnie and I were terrified of what would happen to Red when he got back into the pasture. Pedro was almost manic for lack of a better word. He would holler at all hours of the day and night at Red. The couple of times they were in the same pasture, I thought one of them would walk through the fence at the other one. Red never reacted really, but Pedro seemed volatile toward Red. We thought they were best buds and then we though Pedro was going to hurt Red. It was a mess. The day of truth came when we put Red back into the pasture. Pedro did not want to hurt Red. Pedro missed him terribly. He wanted him to be back over there. Of course there was a little fight but it didn’t last long. All of the donkeys over there missed Red. They were all glad he was back. It was also obvious Red is the leader over there and they were glad he was back. I’m glad he is back over there. He is happier than he was and he was already happy. 

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