Sunday, July 24, 2022

Tinkerbelle and Cinderella are Here

Tinkerbelle and Cinderella are here now. I was so excited to get them here. Tinkerbelle is sweet and loves to be petted. Cinderella runs for her life when we come around. For fainting goats, they don’t faint much. Cinderella does seize up some but does not fall over. I have to be honest, I’m okay with that. I don’t want them to be scared and faint all the time. I’m sure I’m the only one on the planet that would say that. I did put them in with the sheep and then we cut the fence so the goats were able to join in and there was more room. Well, that did not work too well. I knew better. The new goats need to get used to the others before all that happens. We put the girls in the pen where the little goats were to keep them comfortable and get used to their new environment. They seem better after that. They are precious. 

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